Kolot: Lifelong Learning

Finding the voices that call us ino Jewish Life

When God gave the Torah on Mount Sinai, the Israelites perceived God’s Voice as Kolot, or “Voices” (in the plural!). The Midrash explains that each Israelite heard the One Voice of God in a way that he or she could uniquely hear.  The Torah was not given in one language alone, but in all 70 languages of the world.  Moreover, each person heard the Voice according to her or his capacity:  a child heard it in a way a child could understand, and an adult heard it in the way that most deeply spoke to her or to him.

Our name is Kol Shalom.  Our very identity hearkens to that original Voice at Mount Sinai.

In these programs, our Voices come together, and together we hear the Voice of Torah, our Traditions, and the Voice of our Creative Jewish spirit!

2023-2024 Programming year coming soon!

Classes coming soon!

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Classes coming soon!

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Classes coming soon!

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